Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Storm is coming

Since I started following author Shakir Rashaan with his Nubian Underworld series all I can say is that I am hooked and I am looking forward to more. The series opens up with The Awakening and delving into the world of BDSM for people of color. Let me just say FSOG has nothing on the true enlightenment of what occurs in this lifestyle.

The BDSM culture is not for the faint of heart nor is it to be romanticized the way the public has been currently going at it. The fact is true knowledge and understanding of this culture takes time and those who deal only in fetishes don't have any idea about the its nature at the core of things.

Recently there has been talk on Facebook and Blog Talk Radio about the storm is coming. Well Tuesday December 9th Tempest the latest installment in the Nubian Underworld series will arrive. Get ready to take your senses to another level.

Before you take the journey with Tempest though be sure to check out the first two books in the series, The Awakening and Legacy. Take a peek at the man himself by stopping by his website for the latest news on upcoming events and even his blog. Also there is a link to his store Shades of NEBU.

Take a ride in the midst of the storm.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Getting Back to my first Love

Well here I am again having neglected my first baby. I have not been writing like I should and not getting this blog up and on it's way. I am ashamed. My head is hanging low because I can feel this blog crying out to me and telling me how much I have neglected it.

One of the things that has kept me from getting into this blog like I should is I am not always sure what I should be writing about and it makes me feel like my muse is going in a different direction and I know that is not entirely true. I have had many debates on what I should be showcasing here and how will readers perceive my work.

Writing is a relationship for me and as such I need to make time for it just like anything else in my life. It is time to hold my head high and really create a blog that I would love to have readers follow and see what I am getting into as well as other authors out here on the horizon. As the song goes it is Time to Make that change.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Work in Progress

One of the major problems I have with writing is my mind is constantly spinning in multiple directions which is something I need to get under control if I want to be able to finish my novel. The other thing I want to be able to do is create something different. I want my concept to be fresh not just a different spin on what is out there already.

Writing isn't complicated but it can be tough when you want your characters to stand out and not blend into the mundane. I am working to create a character that when I write his or her voice is heard very clearly. I think about the nights when I can't sleep and how that is when something is speaking to me loudly.

This part of me is just another creative craft that I want to perfect like everything else I do. I am waiting to see what develops. Right now I am working on my outline but the main character's name really wasn't talking to me until recently. I may have a winner without being repetitious. I can only see what happens and how the story makes its way onto the screen.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Shakir Rashaan Does it Again

I am very picky about my reading material. Since I have been so dissatisfied with the wave of $.99 authors on Amazon I am glad to have come across another author that makes me want to come back and read more. Shakir Rashaan is an erotica author like no other. He is forth right in his storytelling and he gives you enough to wet your appetite yet leave you wanting more.

I read The Awakening and I was just floored. Here was a book talking about something I had been curious about for some time. Now he has done it again with Legacy the second novel in his Nubian Underworld series. This novel come out June 10th and I am so looking forward to getting my hands on my copy.

Let me just say that this is not 50 Shades of Grey. This is the real deal. Raw and unfiltered. I read 50 Shades and for me it was just another love story with something people fantasize about but are afraid to discuss.

Now the difference with The Awakening and Legacy is you will not get a watered down version of what you think happens in the BDSM community. As I said it is raw and unfiltered. You will see and even get caught up in a world that for the most part had been closed to the public's eye because of biased and close minded individuals. Sir Rashaan makes you feel what his characters are feeling.

So if you get the chance cop yourself a copy and be prepared to want to be naughty in the process. (naughty naughty grin on my face)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Making changes

I have come to realize that my format my need to worked on a bit. I have been working on my other blogs getting them set up so that they are presentable and have a format that followers can use. Blogger has been a learning experience but one that I am coming to appreciate.

So watch out for changes and updates.

Monday, May 26, 2014


Sitting here writing out a scene and I have to keep pausing because I think I am making too hot for even me to handle. I guess it goes without saying that when you have an imagination like crazy you never know what you will come up with.

I am supposed to be working on my paranormal novel but right now that is not the one that is speaking to me the loudest. I used to think I was losing my mind when things would play out in my head and I would have conversations with the story. Now I know better. Can I say it has been truly worthy while getting it all down.

The next step in my process will be getting all the imagery together so that my readers will be able to see it as I see. All of its glory will shine through the words I have put on the page. I love writing. I don't know that there is much that compares with it. It is tough but it makes for an awesome experience.

Looking at the world in a different way and knowing we all don't have the same visual is what makes every experience unique and makes the writing world such a pleasure past time. I can not wait to share my vision.

Now I must get back to the world of creativity.  Until next time

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Need to be Motivated

I have been neglecting this blog and this is the one that should be nearest and dearest to my heart because I love to write. I don't know maybe I feel like I am getting more attention with my other blogs but I can't leave my passion behind. I need to find focus and be motivated to not only get this blog up and running but also to get my novels on the ball.

I was trying to find a way to stay organized. I don't like using a bunch of folders and things like that because I can never remember which one I put what I am looking for in. I use notebooks from time to time but again I forgot where I put them and what I was writing down. It becomes frustrating. I want to complete a novel and make it one worth reading but I in order to do that I need to have all my ducks in a row.

I started reading First Draft in 30 Days by Karen Wiesner again and realized that I needed a better way to organize my ideas and thoughts. So I log onto my computer and I see OneNote come up. I haven't used this program in quite some time. Reviewing it and looking a tutorial I see that this is the answer to my problem.

OneNote has some very key advantages that Word or my notebook doesn't have. For instance. I am able to create a notebook specifically for the book I am working on and within this book I can create tabs for notes and my outline. I can also create pages under those tabs to represent specific items or characters for that topic.

I mean the light bulb went off with a bright shining light. The ultimate advantage is that I can use it on my phone to jot down things no matter where I am and it will sync with the one that is on my computer. I don't have to use a dropbox and then copy it into another document.

I am looking forward to getting my creative juices up and running again. There is nothing like being motivated and excited to make things happen.

Well until next time. I will let you know what happens when I get started.