Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Storm is coming

Since I started following author Shakir Rashaan with his Nubian Underworld series all I can say is that I am hooked and I am looking forward to more. The series opens up with The Awakening and delving into the world of BDSM for people of color. Let me just say FSOG has nothing on the true enlightenment of what occurs in this lifestyle.

The BDSM culture is not for the faint of heart nor is it to be romanticized the way the public has been currently going at it. The fact is true knowledge and understanding of this culture takes time and those who deal only in fetishes don't have any idea about the its nature at the core of things.

Recently there has been talk on Facebook and Blog Talk Radio about the storm is coming. Well Tuesday December 9th Tempest the latest installment in the Nubian Underworld series will arrive. Get ready to take your senses to another level.

Before you take the journey with Tempest though be sure to check out the first two books in the series, The Awakening and Legacy. Take a peek at the man himself by stopping by his website for the latest news on upcoming events and even his blog. Also there is a link to his store Shades of NEBU.

Take a ride in the midst of the storm.